기사 원문캡처출처: OSEN, allkpop, soompi
언론보도 "인도 전체에는 케이팝팬이 300명 정도있다"기사에
"인도를 모욕하지 마라!" 분개하는 인도 KPOP팬들반응
I think it is reasonable that the Indian fans who were not allowed to click pictures and were told to pretend not to recognize the idols were angry
whole india has only 300 kpop fans? haha 2015 best joke .. 300 kpop fans in india. ha ha
인도 전체에 팬의 수가 고작 300명이라고? 하. 하. 2015년 최고의 조크다.
It's so irritating to see them spreading the wrong info. They've taken all the Indian fans for fool!
이런 잘못된 정보가 퍼져나가고 있다니 짜증나네. 인도 케이팝팬들을 모두 바보로 만들고 있어!
February 4, 2015 2:03AM edited 2:03AM
It's kbs doing all this shit !!! They're even pretending India is only a cultural wasteland tss !!!
What are they trying to do srsly !!!.
I'm sure india has more kpop fans than any European country lmao
인도가 문화예술적으로 낙후된 국가라고 생각하나봐?
인도내 케이팝팬들 수가 유럽의 그 어느 국가보다도 많다는 걸 장담해.
Remita Yumkham from Facebook7 hours ago
In our state Manipur atleast one member in every house is a kpop/kdrama fan
내가 사는 마니푸르 지역에는 한 가정에 꼭 한 명씩은 K-POP, 한국 드라마 팬인 사람이 있다구.
PrernaT 5 hours ago
Do you think the number is only 300?!?!?! Are you seriously kidding me?!?! Please don't put up statistics when you don't have a proof!
300이라는 숫자가 말이 된다고 생각하나? 증거자료도 못내밀 것 같으면 이런 발표는 하질 말아야지!
This is for the fellow netizens who have left no stone unturned to picturize India as slumdog.. Well ppl there is more to India than just brown skin and curry or taj mahal.. We are a huge population of people who love and respect all. As far as kpop is concerned we have a huge fan base and totally respect the idols.
It is a humble request to fellow netizens to do a proper research before dissing any nation..
We are equally happy and excited to welcome our idols,so please let us enjoy our time.
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